Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Deep Thought tonight

I am having anger issues tonight. I fight every day for my life and my brother just commits suicide. I have experienced more pain that words describe and I keep trucking. The main thing that makes me angry Is when my mom was passing away from cancer ,Ira promised to take of me since i was his "little sister" Ira and I were so close. I am angry that he could ask me for help I would have given him the world. I have indured so much pain and this adds a layer. I dont understand how he could send a text just like evrything was fine. I found out my brother was gone comming out of sugery.
It hurts me to see the pain that my love ones suffer. Our family is so confused. I dont mean to be rude but suicide is the most selfish thing you could do. You go realize your pain and leave the rest behind. I now i might seem cold now but this is how i feel. Remember suicide is never the anser

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